Today’s post is a guest post by someone very dear to me. I found it poetic and wanted to share it with you.
“Meditation can be likened to coming off stage from a pantomime where you were given the lines to say, songs to sing and actions to take, and sitting alone in the dressing room, removing your costume, make up, looking into the mirror and remembering that this is you, not the clown who made people laugh or the villain that the audience despised and booed. When, for that moment you were liked, appreciated, popular, for that moment, or hated because of the lines other people gave you to act out.
Meditation is wondering who you really are, who you could have been. Meditation is discovering whether you like yourself. Meditation is a journey to seeing whether you could like yourself. Meditation is knowing who you are when you walk out of the theatre exit for the last time”.
What is meditation to you? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
Are you looking to raise your frequency? Why would you even wish to do so? Well, raising your frequency will make you feel happier and life will really seem to flow more.
Here are my favourite, ‘Top 21’ ways to raise your vibe, to bring more happiness and peace into your life!
Food. We’ve all heard the phrases ‘you are what you eat’ and ‘your body is a temple’. Your body is the physical home of your spirit. If you want to raise your frequency, be conscious of the food you eat and go organic wherever possible.
Drink. Be conscious of what you drink. How many chemicals are in your fizzy pop? Drink water that is as pure as possible. You may not be able to taste it, but tap water is polluted with all sorts of nasties, including chemicals and hormones, even if it is filtered.
Send good vibes to your water! Say thank you to your water before drinking it. Feel love and send this energy to your water, it really makes a difference. This is based on fascinating scientific research by the late, great Dr Masaru Emoto. (Read more about this here)
Exercise. Move about and get those endorphins going, even if it’s simply dancing around your living room with your children!
Water helps you to raise your frequency! Have a lovely hot shower, a long relaxing bath, or even put your feet into a bowl of water or a paddling pool to connect to the refreshing & rejuvenating energy of water.
Nature. Walk barefoot and/or lie down on grass. Sit under an old tree; feel the bark against your back and the roots with your bare hands; look up at the leaves and the sky beyond. This is very grounding and feels wonderful!
Laughter is definitely the best medicine! Have a good laugh with friends, watch a funny film, read a funny book, watch some live stand-up comedy – really have fun!
People. Be discerning about whom you spend your time with. Surround yourself with happy people who are on a high frequency. Does your partner support you or bring you down? Connect with like-minded individuals. Find your tribe!
Your environment. Are you happy with your environment? If your home or town is bringing you down for example, where would you rather be? Can you take steps towards making a move?
Crystals vibrate at a very high frequency and when you have crystals on or around you they will help to raise your frequency.
Meditate for at least 15 minutes a day. Even better, you could combine this with no.11 and hold some crystals while you’re doing it!
Gratitude. Keep a gratitude journal and appreciate the little things as well as the big things.
Colour. Wear clothing or decorate your home in beautiful bright colours to raise your spirits.
Sound. Use sound bowls, bells and beautiful, high frequency music to uplift you and clear your space.
Animals. Pet your dog or cat if you have one.
Declutter, tidy and clean your home.
Get creative. I have found that when I’m creating something it is a form of mindfulness meditation, as I am really in the present moment and not worrying about the past or fearing the future. I’m currently dipping in and out of this gorgeous adult colouring book The Mindfulness Companion by Dr Sarah Jane Arnold. You could also have a painting or sketchbook out on the kitchen worktop and add to it as and when you have a few spare minutes.
Connect to your inner child. Climb a tree, build a sandcastle, go swimming, skip, daydream, take a nap, play on a swing, blow some bubbles. Play, play, play, smile, laugh and have fun!
Love yourself. Make time for some ‘me time’. An artist I know has ‘self-care Friday’ and takes Fridays off to do things just for herself! What do you love to do? Curling up with a book? Walking the dog somewhere beautiful? Painting? Having a special cup of tea in a bone china cup? Talking of cups, “you can’t pour from an empty cup”, so look after yourself first, then everyone else that you love and look after will benefit from this.
And lastly… Sit up straight, take a deep breath and smile! All of these things will help to raise your frequency.
What do you think of these ideas on how to raise your frequency? Have you tried any of these out? Do you have any more ideas to add to this list? If so, I would LOVE to hear from you! Please comment below!
I recently read an article by Dr Taryn Crimi which I thought would be helpful to share.
Taryn is an internationally acclaimed channel, who has spent over 8 years channeling the Angelic Realm.
This article is a direct channeling from her angelic guides, and helps us to understand how we can raise our vibration. Over to the angels!
Today we would like to focus upon the topic of deliberately changing your vibration. Certainly we are not denying that your reality is incredibly captivating. The duality that you exist within offers you a constant barrage of varying experiences in which to focus upon. What we would like to focus your attention upon is how you can raise your vibration so you become in alignment with your greatest desires.
We are certainly not denying that when good things happen, it is easy to feel good and adversely, when bad things happen it is more difficult to remain positive. However the more deliberate you become in consciously choosing the thoughts that you allow to expand within your mind, the more you become a vibrational match to similar experiences.
We have noticed that many humans often feel trapped by their circumstances. The physical experiences that you have at any given time are a direct reflection of the most dominant vibration you are holding at any given time. Many of you have a wide range in which you vibrate on any given day; ranging from very high to particularly low and everything in between.
What we want to briefly address is just how powerful you truly are in altering your state of vibration. The circumstances that happen around you are always going to contain a positive and negative aspect, as you are living within duality. However, there are triggers for all of you. Some thoughts trigger more positive, blissful feelings, while other triggers remind you of challenges or struggles that seem to be unsolvable.
The key to changing the most dominant vibration in your life, is to change your habitual thoughts. For all of you, there are areas of your life that have always worked well, they have been easy for you to manifest, while other areas have always felt challenging. Quite simply put, your habitual thoughts around the areas of your life that seem to always work out well for you are in alignment with the ease around that topic. You likely spend little time worrying over those areas of your life, and just expect them to work well. They always have, so why wouldn’t they continue?
However the areas of your life that have felt like a constant struggle is no doubt different for all of you. But, one thing is likely the same in those areas of difficulty, there is more worry and concern around those topics. There is more awareness on the absence of what you desire and the presence of challenges. Remember what you focus upon will always expand, regardless of why you are focused upon it. Think of every thought as if it were an instruction to the Universe to “bring me more of this”.
Now, in regards to shifting your focus upon the areas of life that are working well, finding things that you can appreciate, or finding something to focus upon that gives you a sense of inner peace are well worth your time to identify. You see, it doesn’t matter why you feel good, all that matters is that you do. You do not need to be focused upon your dreams in order to become a vibrational match to them.
Learning how to redirect your focus take a bit of practice at first. However once you begin to incorporate this practice into your daily life, it begins to form a new habit. You are essentially training your mind to become a disciplined muscle of deliberate intent rather than allowing your thoughts to be on what we like to call “auto pilot”.
As you become more focused upon the thoughts that feel blissful, peaceful and joyful to you, you alter your vibration. You can feel the instantaneous shift in your emotional state which indicates where you are vibrating. Nothing has to change physically for you to begin to redirect your attention, but we can assure you that once you do, your physical reality has no choice but to reflect the altered vibrational state you have chosen.
The Universe is always reflecting back to you what you hold inside. You are a constant beacon of vibration, summoning more experiences, people and circumstances that hold a similar frequency. You are truly the creator of the reality you experience. Your dreams are held in the high vibrations of love, joy, optimism, excitement and peace. Become a match to those vibrations using any excuse you can find in your reality and you become a match to your dreams.
We hope that we have in some way served you.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
You are more than welcome to browse the Angelic Guides website for all the materials generously posted for free. For more advanced practical knowledge and/or personal guidance please check our shop/store for more guidance…
– Dr. Taryn Crimi
Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
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Many thanks to Taryn for sharing this article so generously.
My biggest takeaway from this article was “You do not need to be focused upon your dreams in order to become a vibrational match to them.” I love this!
So, we need to find things to appreciate. We need to find things to do or think about that bring us joy and a sense of inner peace. For me, off the top of my head, this would be spending time with my family, laughing with my friends, spending time in nature, creating art, writing in a gratitude journal, eating delicious food and paddling in the sea.
What brings you a sense of joy or inner peace? Please comment below!
Images used above by Artem Bali & Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash
I’m currently pregnant with our second child and in the first few months I suffered from morning sickness (all day). I was extremely sick during my first pregnancy, but it did feel slightly different this time, so I realise that everyone has different feelings and experiences of morning sickness. So what brought me relief may not apply to you, although of course I hope my recommendations do help you too!
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Here are my best ways to ease morning sickness:
Queasy drops. My sister bought me some of these as part of my pregnancy care package (love my sis!) and they are amazing. I found that they really helped to ease the nausea. You can find these here.
Crystals (placed on your belly, under your pillow, worn as a necklace or put into your bath water). Green aventurine helps to reduce morning sickness, heartburn and indigestion. Yellow jasper helps to boost the immune system and relieve nausea and indigestion. Moonstone is also one of the most recommended stones to help throughout pregnancy and is often used to aid in the absorption of important vitamins and minerals. Chrysocolla and unakite both also help to relieve uncomfortable symptoms. I would recommend going to your local crystal shop and seeing which you are drawn to, but you can buy crystals online too.
Ginger. It does do the trick. Ginger biscuits, ginger tea, ginger ale, ginger sweets… And a sliver of fresh ginger in hot water with a spoonful of sugar is amazing.
Bounce energy balls. These keep me going between breakfast and lunch and come in lots of different flavours. They are packed with protein too. Boom.
Cold things. The fridge was my friend!!! Yes it was summer, but I found cool things extra refreshing. Melon, grapes, yoghurt, green smoothies, red smoothies, fruit juice, coconut water…. so, so good.
Eating little and often. If you can’t manage much try a green smoothie, some TUC biscuits or rice krispies.
Extra strong mints. The peppermint really helps to fight the feelings of nausea. I kept these in my handbag and they often came out during car journeys!
Staying hydrated. Keep a bottle of water or coconut water in the fridge as the cold makes it even more refreshing.
Eating before getting up in the morning. I had a banana first thing, then a small bowl of cereal a bit later. This helped start my day off on the right foot.
As much rest as possible. My two year old was still napping during the day and I used to work while she slept. I started napping at the same time and it really made a difference to how I felt! Don’t beat yourself up that you’re ‘not getting things done’; rest is such an important investment right now.
Oxygen. I don’t know if they still do, but back in the 1940s they used to give pilots on test flights pure oxygen to cure their nausea. If, like me, you don’t have access to a supply of pure oxygen cannisters(!), breathing consciously and deeply will really help. I sometimes catch myself breathing from my chest, which is a shallow form of breathing, when I feel anxious or not quite myself. I have to remind myself to breathe in more deeply (which can be a little tricky when you’re feeling queasy), but it should then ease your symptoms once you are getting more oxygen into your bloodstream.
Lemons. And of course, how could I miss out that old classic, sniffing a lemon!
BONUS TIP!!! Do you have a friend or partner who does reiki, or do you practice it yourself? If so it really helps! Pregnancy is very energy-intensive and a top-up of life-force energy will always make you feel better. If you’re feeling advanced, tap into your feeling centre (your solar plexus, just above your belly) and explain that you’re making a baby and it’s not a threat or an infection in your body. Ask your body to support the health and growth of the baby and to help ease your feelings of sickness. Try to do this fairly regularly.
Good luck, I hope some or all of these give you some relief. I kept telling myself that it’s only temporary, there is an end in sight and that I’m sick for a ‘good reason’!
So these were the best ways to ease morning sickness for me. Do you have any more tips? If so, please share them in the comments below!
Images used above by Tracey Hocking and Dominik Martin on Unsplash
Today, 22nd July, would have been Dr Masaru Emoto’s birthday, so I thought it would be appropriate to write a blog post honouring his fascinating work and his amazing legacy, the Emoto Peace Project.
I first heard about Dr Emoto’s work when a friend of mine told me about his research on water crystals and how the crystals changed shape when th
ey were subjected to different words, images, music and thoughts.
Dr Emoto photographed the water crystals at the precise moment they froze using high-speed photography. The crystals that were formed from the water that had been shown words such as ‘thank you’, ‘love’ and ‘peace’, or played classical music to were absolutely beautiful and looked like stunning snowflakes. The crystals that were formed from water that had been shown words such as ‘hate’, ‘you fool’ and ‘evil’, or played heavy metal music to were distorted, ugly and didn’t look like snowflakes at all. (See image below).
Water crystals subjected to different words and thoughts show very different shapes
Isn’t this fascinating?! I wanted to find out more.
I saw that Dr Emoto would be talking at an Alternatives event at St James’s Church in London. My partner Steve and I signed up and went along, but it was actually one of Dr Emoto’s colleagues who ended up giving the talk; Dr Emoto himself was ill. (He sadly passed away soon afterwards, in October 2014).
We thoroughly enjoyed the talk and came away utterly inspired.
My take on it is this… We humans are made up of 70% water. Therefore, if we call someone names, we are physically affecting them. Likewise, if we call ourselves names when we look in the mirror (aloud or in our heads) we are physically affecting ourselves. The old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me”, often used to ‘comfort’ a child who is being bullied, is inaccurate and incorrect. If someone calls a child stupid for example, they are affecting them on a physical, cellular level and this is really serious. This experiment shows just how consciously we must use language, or decide on what images we see or music we listen to.
What do you think your water crystals would look like? What would those of your family look like?
If we were more discerning about the water we consume (perhaps by saying or thinking ‘thank you’ to our drinks before drinking them, even adding a ‘thank you’ label to our water bottle for example) and about the music that we listen to, would this make us healthier and happier on a physical level? Can we heal ourselves and even the polluted water on our beautiful planet by using conscious thought and prayer? Based on these amazing findings, I certainly believe so.
“Dr. Masaru Emoto has discovered why certain music has healing benefits: Music with the appropriate rhythm, tempo, tone, and melody can correct distorted frequencies within our cells, assisting our health and healing.
In this unique collection, Dr. Emoto presents music that he has found through his research to be beneficial for common physical and emotional imbalances. Listen to the musical pieces while enjoying Dr. Emoto’s captivating water-crystal photographs. The possible benefits you may experience include decreased joint and back pain; improved function of the nervous, circulatory, lymphatic, and immune systems; and the release of negative emotions such as anxiety, self-pity, and depression. The combination of images, words, and music in Water Crystal Healing concentrates consciousness as never before, providing a unique experience for healing.”
Wow!! Surely that’s a lot cheaper and more fun than therapy?
As well as having written several books on the subject for adults, Dr Emoto has also written a book for children.
Dr Emoto’s misson is to teach all children the messages from water. He felt that we as adults can teach them now and in 20 years’ time they will be the ones to bring peace to the planet.
I would love to figure out how I can get it published and distributed to all children aged 3-12 years old in the UK for free. Please comment below with any suggestions!
Until then, you can visit Dr Emoto’s website here and download PDF copies of the book for free. Please print it off, share it with your friends, read it to your children.
You can help bring peace to the planet! Each journey starts with just a small step.
I’m SO excited to be writing the very first blog post on my Lizzie Bee Blog! And what better time than the new year. Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for visiting, it’s great to have you here!
My name is Lizzie and I am a creative business owner. I have a wonderful fiancé and we have a scrumptious one-year-old daughter who is an absolute joy!
We live in Somerset, England. Somerset is famous for rolling countryside, apples, cider, the mystical & wonderful Glastonbury (and, of course, the festival!) and the peaceful & beautiful Chalice Well Gardens.
My creative businesses include making jewellery, teaching others how to make jewellery, and painting pieces that are inspired by my personal development & spiritual work.
I’ve been thinking and dreaming about starting a new blog for a while, and now it feels like the right time. I’m sure I will look back on this as a life-changing moment! Eek!
My head is bursting with all of the wonderful things I have been learning about over the last several years and I would love to share it all with you.
I will be writing about creativity, my artsy businesses, personal development and inspiring ways to raise your vibe and live a simpler, happier life.
My mission is to expand and grow personally, and experience loads of love, freedom and joy along the way.
I guess you could say I’m ‘making a beeline to bliss’!
Are these things that light you up too? Would you like to join me on my journey? Please feel free to connect and say hello in the comments!