21 Ways to Raise Your Frequency

Are you looking to raise your frequency? Why would you even wish to do so? Well, raising your frequency will make you feel happier and life will really seem to flow more.

Here are my favourite, ‘Top 21’ ways to raise your vibe, to bring more happiness and peace into your life!

  1. Food. We’ve all heard the phrases ‘you are what you eat’ and ‘your body is a temple’. Your body is the physical home of your spirit. If you want to raise your frequency, be conscious of the food you eat and go organic wherever possible.
  2. Drink. Be conscious of what you drink. How many chemicals are in your fizzy pop? Drink water that is as pure as possible. You may not be able to taste it, but tap water is polluted with all sorts of nasties, including chemicals and hormones, even if it is filtered.
  3. Send good vibes to your water! Say thank you to your water before drinking it. Feel love and send this energy to your water, it really makes a difference. This is based on fascinating scientific research by the late, great Dr Masaru Emoto. (Read more about this here)
  4. Exercise. Move about and get those endorphins going, even if it’s simply dancing around your living room with your children!
  5. Water helps you to raise your frequency! Have a lovely hot shower, a long relaxing bath, or even put your feet into a bowl of water or a paddling pool to connect to the refreshing & rejuvenating energy of water.
  6. Nature. Walk barefoot and/or lie down on grass. Sit under an old tree; feel the bark against your back and the roots with your bare hands; look up at the leaves and the sky beyond. This is very grounding and feels wonderful!
  7. Laughter is definitely the best medicine! Have a good laugh with friends, watch a funny film, read a funny book, watch some live stand-up comedy – really have fun!
  8. Read books that inspire you, uplift you and make you happy. I’m currently reading and loving “Raise Your Vibration” by Kyle Gray.
  9. People. Be discerning about whom you spend your time with. Surround yourself with happy people who are on a high frequency. Does your partner support you or bring you down? Connect with like-minded individuals. Find your tribe!
  10. Your environment. Are you happy with your environment? If your home or town is bringing you down for example, where would you rather be? Can you take steps towards making a move?
  11. Crystals vibrate at a very high frequency and when you have crystals on or around you they will help to raise your frequency.
  12. Meditate for at least 15 minutes a day. Even better, you could combine this with no.11 and hold some crystals while you’re doing it!
  13. Gratitude. Keep a gratitude journal and appreciate the little things as well as the big things.
  14. Colour. Wear clothing or decorate your home in beautiful bright colours to raise your spirits.
  15. Sound. Use sound bowls, bells and beautiful, high frequency music to uplift you and clear your space.
  16. Animals. Pet your dog or cat if you have one.
  17. Declutter, tidy and clean your home.
  18. Get creative. I have found that when I’m creating something it is a form of mindfulness meditation, as I am really in the present moment and not worrying about the past or fearing the future.  I’m currently dipping in and out of this gorgeous adult colouring book The Mindfulness Companion by Dr Sarah Jane Arnold. You could also have a painting or sketchbook out on the kitchen worktop and add to it as and when you have a few spare minutes.
  19. Connect to your inner child. Climb a tree, build a sandcastle, go swimming, skip, daydream, take a nap, play on a swing, blow some bubbles. Play, play, play, smile, laugh and have fun!
  20. Love yourself. Make time for some ‘me time’. An artist I know has ‘self-care Friday’ and takes Fridays off to do things just for herself! What do you love to do? Curling up with a book? Walking the dog somewhere beautiful? Painting? Having a special cup of tea in a bone china cup? Talking of cups, “you can’t pour from an empty cup”, so look after yourself first, then everyone else that you love and look after will benefit from this.
  21. And lastly… Sit up straight, take a deep breath and smile! All of these things will help to raise your frequency.

What do you think of these ideas on how to raise your frequency? Have you tried any of these out? Do you have any more ideas to add to this list? If so, I would LOVE to hear from you! Please comment below!

Hello world! (My First Blog Post)


I’m SO excited to be writing the very first blog post on my Lizzie Bee Blog! And what better time than the new year. Happy New Year!

Thank you so much for visiting, it’s great to have you here!

My name is Lizzie and I am a creative business owner. I have a wonderful fiancé and we have a scrumptious one-year-old daughter who is an absolute joy!

We live in Somerset, England. Somerset is famous for rolling countryside, apples, cider, the mystical & wonderful Glastonbury (and, of course, the festival!) and the peaceful & beautiful Chalice Well Gardens.

My creative businesses include making jewellery, teaching others how to make jewellery, and painting pieces that are inspired by my personal development & spiritual work.

I’ve been thinking and dreaming about starting a new blog for a while, and now it feels like the right time. I’m sure I will look back on this as a life-changing moment! Eek!

My head is bursting with all of the wonderful things I have been learning about over the last several years and I would love to share it all with you.

I will be writing about creativity, my artsy businesses, personal development and inspiring ways to raise your vibe and live a simpler, happier life.

My mission is to expand and grow personally, and experience loads of love, freedom and joy along the way.

I guess you could say I’m ‘making a beeline to bliss’!

Are these things that light you up too? Would you like to join me on my journey? Please feel free to connect and say hello in the comments!

With love, and a big hug,

Lizzie xxx